Tuesday, November 27, 2007

nah, its been a long time since my last post. :[

much hav happened lately, and i really mean it. huahh sekarang nilai gw rada jelek lagi, i feel like a little down and all that. i mean ive set a goal for me, but now things fell down.

you know td dibagiin ul mat, felt like a great surge of !#)(!#*!@! came crashing to me, nilai gua 45. the material is abt quadratic equation, which means ALGEBRA and X Y, and also means the thing i am really really stupid at.. waktu klas 7 gw ul aljabar pertama dpt 4,4 .. skrg klas 9 dpt nya 4,5. huh gak heran aja deh gua.

and then you know, lusa gua udah mulai ulum. huhuu IPS! ive to read 3 textbooks, 3 notebooks, and some papers. hikss.. feel like im not ready for this.

okay lanjut lagi yaitu, gua tdk bs melepaskan diri dari mantan gua. i meannnnn he's nice and all, tp gua berasa kaya sering bgt kontek sama dia.. sampe akhirnya gw berasa kesepian gt kalo gak ada dia, pdhl tadinya gw berhasil maintained the distance between us. gimana yaaaaaaaaaa, sometimes it is a little disturbing T_T
what do you think will be the best choice for me, leave him off on his own (well this is hard NOW) or just let this flows? >.<

maybe ill just go nuts, life is crashing down in front of me. :(