Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Well, ternyata this week full of highlights! nyahaha!
So far sekarang baru Rabu, nanti minggu bakal gue update lagi, hahaha.

and what i can write are :
  1. Senen
    Santa ursula ke Dufan satu angkatan men! :D. Really had a great fun there, though gue rada gak puas dan pegel2. nyoba tornado dua kali.
    Abis dari dufaaaan, rame2 dgn dotstrange ke BANDAR JAKARTA, makan makan makan makan makan makan layaknya kita bukan perempuan tapi kuli bangunan, abis itu maen truth or dare sampe supervisor restorannya titip salam ke kita dan gua dapet dare mesti nanya kenapa dia nitip salam. Hahahaha.
  2. Selasaa
    For the 1st time di sanur gua telat masuk kebangetan hauhuahuahuahua. Guess what, GUA MASUK SEKOLAH JAM 7.55 WAKTU INDONESIA BAGIAN SANTA URSULA, jengjengjengjeng. huahauhuaa. and the story goes back:
    jam 433: gua terbangun, bales sms semalem kalo ga salah dari jojo ato siapa lahh, tp terus tdr lagi
    jam 6 kurang: mbak gua bangunin, dan what was my respond? 1/2 tidur blg "GAK SEKOLAH MBAAA ahhh" hahuahuahua, so this is #1 mistakeeeee pagi itu.
    jam 6 lbh: jemputan dateng gak ada yg nyadar
    jam 656: gua terbangun,... matahari bersinar cerah. dan pertama gua nyadarnya bahwa itu hari minggu, buahahahaa.
    gua liat hp, ada sms, dr ailen, DAN GW LGSG INGET ITU HARI SEKOLAH DAN GW ME REPLY KE DIA yg sukses membuat dia ktnya tertawa222222, "YAMPUN HARI INI GUA LUPA SEKOLAH"
    dan gua belom punya jadwal hari itu, gua nanya ailen udah gak dibales kayanya hapenya udah dikumpul sama dia. jadinya abis itu gua tergabruk2 deh jadinya buset swt bgt, siap2 kayak dodol gitu, jam 720 berangkat. semua pelajaran gua bawa bukunya satu-satu (terutama yg ada di selasa huahauhauhau)

    daaaaaan jam 7:55 : sukses nyampe skolah!! gua berbohong mulai dari semalem masuk angin terus mencret2 sampe pagi terus tadi debat sama mami, disuruh gak sekolah, tp mau sekolah aja, dan baru brgkt 710. HUA-HA-HA-HA-HA
  3. Rabuu
    dan dari hari ke hari, gua makin obsesi ganbon yak kayaknya huahuahuaha. Gila gua seharian rabu maen ganbon molo, bosen ya bosen deh. Let's see tomorrow kayak apaaaaaaaaa. :D

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Nah-nah, it's been long long time since the last time I posted somthing (dan skrg sepertinya frekuensi gw ngmg gitu di post2 gw semakin sering aja yah, ha-ha). okay 1 bulan lagi which is masih lama gw berjanji akan ganti layout which I'm kinda bored of but have no time to make a new one.

Soooo di tengah sibuknya TO sekolah, last weekend I succeed to spent some time to refresh my minddd (though I paid much for that, haha, failing the TO IPA on last sat with 62 as my mark).

on friday I went to greenfest&PS with cla, rene, tj. some details ke blog rene aja 18-04-08, i'll write from my point of vieww!
Soo, that day, first me&cla went to my grandpa's house at senayan buat prepare gitu and actually we were late already since rene udah nunggu sampe garing mgkn disitu. ha-ha cla met up with my grandpa and talked like soo lot, hahaha, katanya cla opa gua gaul loooh. hahahaha.

and then after that me cla again, went to greenfest, sempet nyasar juga ke back entrance jadi kita musti muter baut masuk dari depan. Hmm, gw kayaknya belom masuk banyak sampe dalem, but from the outer appearance yg ttg globwarming solutions etc, they told many of which I've known before jadi yaa i found only some deeper facts are new to me. ha-ha. but it was okay, since not many has brought the idea of such festival in Indonesia :P

terus abis itu rene seperti ditpon2 oleh TJ yg udah nungguin so rene was like ngerengek2 kasian sama tj jadinya kita ke PS. naaaah the real fun started here! di PS, we ate watchedmovies hungout bikinrusuh dan sebagainyaaa.

pertama, di lobby peluk2an layaknya teletubbieeees! hhahaha. i hope cla would post the details about this ha-ha. we were likee soo fun, bahkan naik eskalator peluk2an per tangga seorang secara vertical. can you wonder how stupid we were? :D. and theeen after that we bought tickets and went eating, me&tj bought doner, cla&rene bought kfc. hm then then main truth or dare. pardon the pun, the @!&!@!( were like:

  • first turn. me, dare. -> look at tj in the eyes (which was hard cos i couldnt stop laughing when staring at his face ha-ha)
  • second. tj, truth. -> if he was a gay, whom would he choose? toshiki/hansel/nh/etc. and as everyone expected HA-HA he chose his TJs twin, toshiki.
  • third. rene, truth. -> gw suruh milih antara wina/wiwid/wawan dan he chose wiwid! wooow

Okayyyy, and then gw ntn street kings. tp cla udah keburu pulang. I got kram di tengah film which was my first ever dan untung ada tj. hm terus abis ntn, kita jalan2 ngobrol2 ngmgin filmnya dan pulaaaang!

Next, saturday!

So all along the afternoon I texted chatted and worked my tasks, and in the evening pegi ke novs bday party di Q Smokehouse Factory - Pangpol. Hahaa, at first gw gak boleh dateng :( but my mom mau nganterin soo then I came about one hour late. haha

The birthday was really fun, and .strange(rs) got a surprise buat Novitaaaa! (happy birthday darling). the main courses di smokehouse mostly consist of ribs dan beef. The medium hawaiian ribs which I ordered really sent me to heaven and they really grilled it half-done (I did compare it to my friend yg ordered well-done) ha-ha!

Got some photos there->(ada di facebook/friendster) he-he :D

see ya around! :D

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Sooo, yesterday was the first day of April 2008. Which meaaaaans : APRIL FOOLS. I've planned for months that I'll fill the day with lotsa fun.

And the list of people I fooled goes: (in Indonesia anyways, hahah)

1st one, Jojo: pagi2 dia said <3 <3 and I replied and I fooled him~ hahahah. and then in evening dia once apologize gitu karena makan lama dan gw sok2 gak maafin hahahahahaa.

Gordy: pas pelajaran gue teased mau jadi cowo gw lagi gk. wakakakakak. but he knew it was only april fools joke :(. tp gw BERHASIL BANGET SUKSES sorenya gw ngambek 3 jam an sama dia n he believed all of it. sampe akhirnya i said " selamaaaaat " hehehe and then he was like #)!(@!@ hahaha.

Ibel: gue blg di leher dia panuan! XD. trs dia sampe gosok2 gitu aga2 salting dikira panuan sampe beneran ngaca pdhl gw udah blg april fools hahahaha.

Tika: gw blg ada merah2 di hidung nya hahahahahha.

Isil & Claresta: NILAI TO B INDO LO PALING JELEK SEKELAS (pertaamaa2 basa basi dulu hahahahah), tp mereka akhirnya nyadar wee -__-

Rene: gw sok2 kyk nembak gt deeeeeeh.

HAHAHAHAH, okayyyyyy that day was lots of fun :D. Love you people, sorry yahh! hahaha.