Tuesday, October 23, 2007

(oyeah im pretty stressed out, wishing myself a happy bday)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

yehey the holiday of ied has started since today, and i havnt gotten much of things to do. it feels like another stupid days i spent uselessly, or no- i am reading some books all day long. so now in this very rare time i spend online (my comp was used by my sister all day, and now she's even sitting beside me reading a book just to wait me finish) , i wanna post a thought of mine, maybe just for a private reminder..

last nyte i was puttin up an i-would-say-its-rather-too-weird conversation with an acquintance of mine, about geeks and their world! yeaah i guess i can proudly admit now i'm one, a geek (wow?). i cant think of a much better term of myself since now i am not as lazy as you may recall ur memory of myself in the same october 11, a year ago. i am proud, yeah i ammmm, now that i can reach my goal to be a little geek. :P *ouch*

jeez, guess what i think being a geek is cool HAHAHAHAHA. having good marks and studies hard for the exams are not bad at all compared to spending my time on stupid things like love life or thinking hard of a way to get a boy HAHA (doesnt mean i dont like boys anymore, :P), but then jeez even the geeks who rule the money.

ive just read a book titled "The Silicon Boys", its a book about those silicon boys, and mind you silicon boys doesnt mean they hav silicon implanted on their bodies (much like breast implant or plastic surgery) but they work with those microprocessors of PCs that contain millions of silicons.

silicon boys were the kind of bill gates (of microsoft), jim clark, mark andresseen (of netscape), noyce&moore (of intel), bill hewlett&david packard (of HP), the two steves (steve jobs&steve wozniak of apple), jerry yang (of yahoo), larry ellison (of oracle), etc whose name some of you might very well know (or otherwise never heard of xD). theyre those who hav the craziest minds of entrepreneurs, those who were once been teased at recess and now rule the world and made multibillionaires.

i read about them, and i felt like a great surge of a desire of being an engineer and/or programmer (loh? hahaa dont know this part is very ga nyambung dgn yg lain), and anyway back to topic, they were very geekish and intelligent and talented and dare to take risks and whose minds are driven by instinct to make moneys moneys and moneys.

so i think thatt, of myself which changed into a little geeky, its not that bad of a change. and me being a geek doesnt mean i dont hav social life, i do! aha. and anyway i manage to think some of ppl may be wondering how could i, who posted as much as five or more hangouts, mischieves, and stupid things below, could be a geek, this is a fact :
i got nine perfect score until this time of semester, which never happened before in my time in santa ursula thefuckinschool ever. :P *taraa i guess i can be proud again without any means to show off*

i hope i can establish this habit of a geek, yeaaaay.. and my intention wont crash down by lazinesssss.. (i hope, again) haa-ha-haa

okay i thought some may think this is a great change (as my family were like, "okay this is what weve been waiting")

yeah, being told, "ah, u used to be soooooo fckin lazy how could you work such a bunch of homeworks like this? how strange." is hurtful~ ahahaha. :P

obsession : erase throw out send away the laziness! (but i think my tardiness and carelessness will exist still, sorry. nayahaaha..)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

haahhaah, again!

so i started it frm wed, pergi ke mangga dua buat liat2..saya mendapat pengalaman indah : kalo pergi ke mangdu, jangan sama nov, NAPSUNYAAA BUAT NYARI BAJU BEGITU BESARR FROM HEAD TO TOE. pdhl gua dah kelaperan. trus mangdu tuh gk ada lift so its so very2 pegal naik turun.

trus abis itu nganterin tedjo les sampe agak telat, gw ke mangdu bareng tika tejo dan novita. and then di tempat les nya tejo di LIA, gw kebeletttttttt dan pipis deh akhirnya.. hari itu gw pake SENDAL JEPIT SIALAN JOGER YG GW BELI DI BALI (the very same one which made me tripped off and left some marks on my feet), dan gua jatoh lagi pake sendal itu HAHAHAHA shitty

so, postnote : jangan memakai sendal joger yg bentuknya mirip kaki itu, cuih!



yaayyy the day went perfectly fine until jam 4 sore, minutes to ailen's bday.
pulang sekolah, gua nongkrong2 di skul ntn in anak voli sambil nungguin kejot. gua-devitanadia tejo-kezia memang berencana buat WISATA KULINER hari itu! aha so the CULINARY XPLORER will start the journeyyyy

jam 230 we ciao-ed from santa ursula stupids tp rencana ke sabang batal cos sgt2 macet :(
so we went to ragusa! (for more infos of what,where,n why, ask me :P)
did some stupidities there :P

OKAY review gue tentang ragusa
me nadia n kezia bought : SPAGHETTI ICE CREAM - the most famous and expensive menu at ragusa (Rp 26000,-) though banana split nya also famous too.

so the ice cream was like a little sour, toppled with nuts and jellies2 ato i dont know what berwarna hijau dan merah yg rasanya asem! tp the combination made it tasted yumm! ragusa cafe itself udah berdiri dari jaman mami-papi ncing ncang ngkong soo the place was like so old and vintage. porsinya gede222 i recommend this menu! karena udah dicoba dan enak. trus di depan ragusa tuh ada SATE yg terkenal dan yummy too, but unfortunately gue bilang dia kurang banyak ngasih bumbu di piring nya (ha-ha) so we cant colek2 the satay dgn bumbu banyak2 :D

overall: 6.9 from 100! (for the place, the menu, dan lain2 nya menurut gw, menunya sih enak tp tempat nya too vintage for my liking jadinya ya agak kuno gitu)

trus ada video nya lohhh.. the ice cream : (sorry stelah diupload gw baru nyadar bahwa posisinya kebalik, xD)

and here is the satay video: (kita makan dengan lahap dan rakus karena lapar XD)

and then dari eatings i went to ailen's bday!
dan sodara2 apa yang tidak gw dan bokap gw sadari adalah: ini awal bulan, everyone just got their THR dan itu hari jumat abis pulang kantor. sudirman was like cret kecret macrettt..
gw brgkt jam 4 dr skolah, sampe jam 6 baru sampe rumah oma di senayan.
and the worst of all, ternyata baju yg gw mo pake ke ultah ailen KETINGGALAN DI SEKOLAH! akhirnya after a little shock i borrowed my aunts tees and wore the school skirt uniform tapi spatu dan tasnya fortunately ga ketinggalan.

jam 630 gw br brgkt ke pancious (wow, pdhl the bday dijanjikan jam 5, ahaha) trus ate fettuccini disitu.and then as usual saatt anak sanur berkumpul, everyone gossiped until jam 8an gitu deh. after that gw ke rumah ailenn trus ngobrol2 fotoh2 gosip2 gejek gejekkk

gua pulang jam 10 kurang, DAN SUDIRMAN WAS STILL TRAGICALLY FULL. traffic jam everywhere.. so i got home @ about jam 1140an PM gosh.



paginya saya exkul masak, enak lohh masak tomato bruschetta :9 lebih asik lgi tuh kalo ada ayamnyaa slurpss. pulang sekolah, transit ke rumah mora trus sempet makan BAKSO di makaliwe (katanya terkenal loh?) hahaha. BAKSO URAT NYA ENAKK SLURPP dibanding bakso nya yg biasa heehhee. thx mor for the traktir hhaha. di rumah mora gw jenni n morGAN stupid2 gitu dehh..

and then mandi2 siap2 ke senci, dan ada satu rahasia mora terungkap saat gw ke rumahnya, yakni SEORANG MAURA PILIH BAJU ITUH LAMAAAAA hahahahaa, ahh girls are still girls no matter how boyish they are lalalaa.

trus di sency, ada gua, jenni, mora, krysta, ijie, trus silvia. we ate at hotshots (i bought king fisher, enak :9). trus abis itu ngobrol2 gosip2. akhirnya krn ga tau gimana kita nonton dehh
watch MY WIFE IS A GANGSTER 2, the movie kocak bgt trus banyak adegan yg HA-HA-HA mesum dan PARAHH hahahaha..
dan lucunya melihat bbrp temanku yg tidak di mengerti apa yg dimaksud si film HAHAHAHA *ampon jen.*

pas ntn ketemu ailen juga, trnyt dia jg ntn dan duduk di row persis sblh gw. novita dateng di awal film ke tengah2 gitu dehh..

abis nonton, kita tadinya mau makan2 di sushi tei. ga taunya buka puasa super-duper-rame-brettt. jadi keliling2 dulu memusingkannnn
(maksud hati memeluk gunung, apa daya tangan tak sampai), TURUN DERAJADD!

so, we made the video of the turun derajat yg agak2 sinting:

kalo kata jenni, tei (from sushi TEI) dan cei (from kfCEI) nggak beda jauh
kata gw sih.. nasibbb aja dah.

dan trnyt gw menyadari kita semua mempunyai kebiasaan yg sama : SAVE THE KULIT FOR LATER! lalalaaa. semua suka kulitt xD

trus abis itu gw plg bareng nov, nemenin dia keliling2 PS bentar.. got home @ about 1030pm, chatted n browsed a little ( i havent touched my comp in 2 days!) and then went sleepingggg.

muuacchhh :9. i hope this sunday i hav much enuf time to rest hahahaa.