Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Bear with it? Dont care? Take an action? or.. ?

Today's fun, there was a seminar about public speaking at school. I thought it wasnt going to be lotsa fun, but FORTUNATELY I was very wrong. The MC is very fluent in speaking English and have one very great emceeing skill! There also was a session where we, students, must deliver a promptu speech (speech dadakan tanpa dipersiapkan dulu/unprepared speech) and a pal of mine Nadya aka Bebek represent my class! Ehehe, and waktu pemelihan pemenang gw mempelopori beberapa temen gw untuk standing ovation buat dia (karena pemenang dilihat dr suara supporter) and FINALLY BEBEK WON! Hihi :DD.

And then today gua menjatuhkan mulai dr sweet-buttered corn to HP continuously. Jeez my hands really love to spill or drop off things, and my sister even has a name for me in that case: soapy-hands!

Okay to the main topic, Poverty. I guess we all know what-poverty-is. According to answers.com, Poverty is the state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts.

So how I meet this topic and suddenly talking about this? Tadi waktu pulang dari rumah temen gue, di perempatan lampu merah Kelapa Gading - Kayu Putih - Pulo Gadung, gue ngeliat ibu2 lagi duduk merana banget lagi ngelonin anaknya yg masih bayi. Ia duduk bengong di pinggir jalan sambil meluk anaknya, kayanya sih mau nidurin. Sekilas gw liat itu kalo difoto, penuh dengan apa ya? emotionful bangetttt.. sayang gw gak bawa kamera DSLR gw dan kaca mobil nya Nadia yg gw pake itu dilapisin film, jadi gw gak bisa foto.

(translate: I saw a mother sitting with her little baby so desolately. She was dazing off while hugging her baby, hmm I think she wants to let her baby sleep and nursing her there. I saw analogously if I can capture that picture, it will be full of... hmm what should I name it? So emotionful. Unfortunately I didnt bring my DSLR cam and my friend Nadia's car's window glass is all filmed 70%, so I cant take pictures from the inside of her car).

There were also some other beggars there.. As a teenager in my opinion, I feel like actually we can overcame this condition. Poverty in Jakarta needs more action and solution to being battled with. I can cope with the fact that my city is soo crowded, traffic jammed, needs more economic and social and green improvements. Tapi ini harus cepet diatasin biar nggak makin parah karena actually udah merajalela. Poverty leads to criminality and other dangerous threats to our Jakarta, and also to an increase in social&economical difference. And then it also leads to a dirtier environment because everyone who couldnt afford for a house or dwelling place would sleep on streets or bus stop or anywhere! Eww. Can you imagine it?

Mungkin dengan jalan seperti Sutiyoso, dont give away money to them but leave them on their own and donate our moneys to social organizations. Jadi mungkin mereka bisa ada inisiatif balik ke kampungnya and then gone from Jakarta, and maybe they could rebuild or make some improvements in their own city/villages! :D:D

What do you think about this? What improvements can Jakarta make actually (maksud gw, yang realistis gitu sesuai ama pemerintahan dan keadaan skrg)? Hihii. I'm waiting for your comments! (I hope there'll be any haa haa).



temennya diki said...

hohoho, okay, comment yah...?

cooL ! :p