i've been spending a lot of days outside my house so far, at i'm writing this on the late 2nd week of my holiday.
you know, things are working greeaat. my holiday has been good so far, and i'm grateful. though i hate that i didnt take as many pics as possible back these days. its just, its good to be remembered and yet i dont have anything to memorize it
my blog post is titled absurdity, AND, i dont even know why i put that as the title. maybe because the fact that i dont know why i put that its absurd enough, or because what i'm typing in this post is not even connected to each other despite being the "going-ons" stuffs in my life
i wanna spend the whole day writing here but that would be an absolute nonsense because 1: i dont think its a waste of time, its just the following days everyone can just read my thoughts, so... well i dont really like the idea of everyone knowing my every thought. 2: i would get a sore back and flatten my ass by the end of the day... haha, i know, sooo not important. 3: i'm afraid that some people would get the wrong impressions and irritated at me
these past 2 days i felt like i've been missing a best friend, like, you know, someone to spend the fun with. its like no one's there when you're just sitting idly at home, watching tv and switching through the channels... its fun, though may sound boring, yet it gives this lonely feeling to my head.
i'd been feeling all gloomy yesterday, i dont know what's the real cause, but its like the loneliness crept in my head... haha. sounds scary.
i'd also been reading twilight yesterday. the book was good, the romance is EXAGGERATED. HA! even without knowing who the author is, i could even guess that the writer's a woman.
i mean look at the perfectly flawless edward cullen and the oh-so-fragile bella swan. okay it sounds a bit sinister, but i got a point there, right girls?
my loved one is going to australia tomorrow for the whole following week, so i guess the days will be lonelier than ever this time. i've got some stuffs to occupy myself though so hopefully i can make it unscratched ha-ha-ha, if you know what i mean.
this morning he told me about some good tees on the net, and it's really good and tagged at quite-friendly price. i'm planning in ordering and currently browsing through the webstore(s) now... i have never done online shopping before and perhaps this will be my 1st experience! ha ha. i'm gonna post about it if i've already bought & received the tees!
jump to another topic! yeah, now about my eating habit. and sleep time. i gained some kilos over these days... and i'm not gonna mention how many, but i feel like i've to cut down my weight twice or even thrice the amount i've gained. about my sleep time, well... these previous days had made me slept early in the morning, almost at dawn, and waking up early in the afternoon, quite exactly at brunch time, haha... that makes me skip breakfast and in risk of eating too much.
so, i guess i've to start to work on both of these issues before turning into a fat pig on the first day of school -____-
i've mentioned about universities, my next step higher education in previous post... well, this is still huge and big clouds to me. i need to talk to my parents and some family members about this issue but its just... so.confusing.ergh.
okay, got to shower, or i'm going to type an endless rant about my days here...